
By Anand Kumar, 29 March, 2022
... First, I wanted mention one of Kip's greatest qualities.  He's an excellent judge of character.  He hired me in 2015.... Kip is an OG.  If you're not sure what that means, visit Urban Dictionary.  He's one of the smartest people I know and a true distinguished engineer.  Kip doesn't prescribe to the let's just get it done philosophy that we've sadly grown accustomed to.  He'll spend time researching all angles and understanding the why.  It's that intellectual curiosity combined with a passion for perfection that makes him a powerhouse... Talking to Kip is sometimes like drinking out a  gushing fire hydrant.  You get used to filtering out everything you don't absolutely need and just focusing on what's needed to get your job done. That's a short-sighted approach.  It's those seemingly irrelevant tidbits that are the most important.  Those seemingly tangential turns are anything but.